Zurich city is the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Zürich.
If you have business, relatives or friends in Zurich, take the opportunity to visit a city that many, not without reason, considered the best city for life.
Although Zurich city is not the capital, is a true picture of Switzerland
Clean, nice and well organized, Zurich is very important not only for banking and finance, but also for tourism. Switzerland is a small country, measuring 41.288 square kilometers, which has excellent geographical position. To the north it borders with Germany, in the south with Italy, to the west with France, and to the east with Austria.
The first impression one gains of Zurich, Switzerland’s largest city (365,000 inhabitants) is that it is extremely clean. The architecture looks like northern neighbors, the Germans, in the Gothic style. Buildings are strictly proper shape with neat and great looking facades.
While walking through the streets you will feel like you’re walking on cash because most of the world’s largest bank vaults are located right in the underworld of this city. Zurich is the center of the international financial life, and its stock market has long been at good reputation. On the street you can see luxury cars, but their speed in city traffic does not exceed 40 kilometers per hour! Stopping at a pedestrian crossing should not even be mentioned. The driver braked as soon as you notice that a pedestrian intends to cross the street. Garage looks like a saloon car. All are clean and well polished.
For Zurich citizens the most important is standard
Success do not come quickly or easy. You have work a lot. For the Swiss, and thus the citizens of Zurich, this is normal. Even children have commitments from childhood to acquire work habits. Saturday and Sunday are the days of relaxation. A middle-aged people rest over the weekend for the next work week, or go to the lake, which is the most beautiful natural decoration of a Zurich city. A young people, usually “Jump” to Milan, Paris, Vienna, the Côte d’Azur or somewhere else. Standard allows them that. Money is not the problem. The Swiss are proud of their franc and they don’t have intention to replace it with the euro.
If you find yourself in Zurich city, do not miss to see an opera house, museum, Notre Dame cathedral, the old wooden bridge… Of course, you need to visit the main street Bahnhofstrasse where there are luxury shops and most popular brands as Cartier, Chanel and others. The selection is great.