Relationship advice

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The easy part of relationships is usually the start, initiating the relationship. The hard part, however, is making that spark last for a longer amount of time. So, I have some tips for you to help you make your relationship last a bit longer than a month or two. If you do not like to commit to another person, you can always come to me 🙂

1. Break the pattern
When you are in a relationship for some time, you, as a couple, tend to develop certain dynamics and a repetitive pattern. If you manage to break that, in a positive fashion, a whole new energy and spark will be brought into your relationship. An example of how that would work, let’s say you really get angry when your partner does something. When that happens again, try not to get mad and yell, try talking and be calm. It’ll do wonders for your relationship.

2. Touch each other, a lot
Of course you touch each other, you are in a relationship. But, try to move on from the occasional hug and kiss, to more often acts of intimacy, holding hands while walking down the street, anything like that. When you touch each other a lot during the day, it will release happiness hormones that will no doubt bring you closer together.

3. Don’t be best friends
It may sound good, but it really isn’t that great. Being good friends can really kill your sex life. Try not to end up like buddies or roommates. You really don’t want that, you want to retain that spark, that sexual tension you had when you started your relationship.

4. Make your sex life better
In a relationship, men tend to bond with women on a more physical level, so having sex more often is a great way to bring a new spark into your relationship. It will surely strengthen the bond between you two, your lust would grow higher, you will feel a new energy in your relationship.

5. Take turns talking
In mutual communication, that word in between is very important. Mutual. You need to give your chance a partner to say what they want to say, don’t cut them down when they are trying to talk. When you talk, you talk, when your partner talks, your partner talks.

6. Be tolerant
You need to accept your fact that neither your partner or you are perfect. Try to be tolerant of them, and things will be better. Of course, if you find out your partner is cheating or is visiting escort girls, it’s a more serious situation, but it is all up to you, if you are a tolerant person, you might get over that, somebody might not.